ENG8: The EnergiCell Company (Funding round closed)


ENG8 International LIMITED , registered in Gibraltar under company number 120001. Registered office address: Nº 2, Irish Town, Gibraltar.  Website: https://eng8.energy/

You can watch the video demonstrating a Q/ CoP Value of 5 Here

In short: 

ENG8 International Ltd. has developed the first renewable energy technology in 70 years, through The EnergiCell (TEC) which can generate up to a COP of 30. (Heat pumps can handle 3). A proven breakthrough technology now in commercial development that provides emission-free electrical power and heat by using water molecules.

- Independently validated.

- IPR protected and patents pending.

- Evidence of LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) in the EnergiCell provided by CICECO, Portugal. This means that the creation of new elements is proven in the process. 

- Independent validation Oct 2023 at Culham Innovation Centre, home to the UK’s Atomic Energy Authority, in Oxfordshire. confirming a CoP/Q-value of 5, energy in to electricity out. 

- Provides direct electricity and heat from EnergiCells.

- Trademarks ENG8 and EnergiCell registered in the UK

- Fully IP protected.

- Patents and worldwide patent applications are in force.

- Full support from 350 PPM Ltd.

General background:

Generating energy using fusion technology is a great promise (and hope) for our future clean energy supply. Especially after the latest developments in the US last year, billionaire investors and venture capitalists are funding private fusion startups that expect to be part of the future energy supply chain. See press articles from Guardian and FT and The Verge:

The Guardian: Will fusion power save us from the climate crisis

FT: Fusion energy breakthrough ..

The Verge: Microsoft just made a huge, far-from-certain bet on nuclear fusion

But where other companies are trying to harness the fusion reaction that powers the sun, which is not expected to be commercially viable before 2040, ENG8 International has already developed The EnergiCell: a low energy catalysed fusion product, already independently verified to produce a CoP/Q-value of 5+ (CoP is a coefficient of performance, which represents a device's energy input / energy output) by respected independent scientific bodies.

But on a much smaller scale. 

Production is expected to start in early 2024.

The current state of the merger industry shows the paradoxes of unlimited resources and the valuation trap. The unlimited resources lead to over-ambition and shooting for the stars (while it's a lot easier to walk up the hills) and the valuation trap dictates that once you've set out your ambitions and raised money against it, it's very hard to withdraw and have a "down round".

However, the ENG8 team and engineers and PhD’s have taken a different approach: a necessity; Produce something that works TODAY. Currently, ENG8 is the only legitimate merged company to have validated a COP of 5+. This is one unit of energy to start up the process and then take out 5+ units through their Low Energy Catalysed Fusion (LECF) process, which takes place with their EnergiCell.

The planning for the coming months is to increase the output power of the EnergiCell to a COP between 5-10 and prepare production of the EnergiCell integrated into a 10kW cogeneration unit that will be approximately the size of a dishwasher. In the longer term, larger (10kW to 100kW) and smaller (1 Watt to 1kW) EnergiCells will be produced covering energy production for small units such as telephones up to Terrawatt plants around the world.

Recent development

In June 2023, the analysis of components within the EnergiCells clearly showed that fusion was taking place and new elements were being created in the process. The analysis was performed by CICECO, link here. We believe this proves what we've known all along.

For full test results " Looking for Evidence of LENRs (Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions) between an Area of LENR Reactions in the Plasma Zone and Outside the Plasma Zone “, please contact me at my email address or phone number below.

The progress of ENG8 Investments and Business Development is moving fast now.

Oct. 2023 -  Independent validation at Culham Innovation Centre, home to the UK’s Atomic Energy Authority, in Oxfordshire, confirming a CoP/Q-value of 5, energy in to electricity out.

Watch the video with reactions:  EnergiCell COP 5 Validation  

Now, ENG8's Micro Fusion Technology is attracting an increasing amount of interest from larger funding sources; such as UHNW's, Family Offices and VC's, major E-Car- and Boat manufacturers.

                                                      First E-boat contract has been signed, helping to get the sea’s cleaner. 

Technical background: 

ENG8 International has developed a new sustainable energy technology that uses H 2 O as a fuel: EnergiCell. If you plasmatize water in a power cell and then electrolyze the plasma, the fusion process will release huge amounts of electromagnetic energy, in the form of light and heat. Demonstrations in ENG8's lab have shown a CoP of 30! Independent testing has shown a COP/Q-value of 1.97 early 2023, meaning 1 energy unit coming in and almost 2 energy units released from the water plasma, while ENG8 now, using a pulse generator, achieved a CoP 5 (1 unit of energy in, 5 out), being ready for the MVP (minimum viable product), stage of CoP5 to start production in early 2024. This produces enough energy for an average household and E-car. For full technical backgroud click the 16 Nov. 2023 updates for an explanation given by Dr. Gyorgy Egely himself.

Above Cop 5, the EnergiCell releases enough energy not only to power itself, but also to dissipate heat and energy, using only water or air as raw material

                                                                                             Small EnergiCell

                                                                                               Full installation

                                                                            Mid-size EnergiCell (up to 10 KW)

Watch the video below for the practical use of this physics:

EnergiCell from ENG8, Investigation

For more information click on the links below:

For an explanation of Catalysed Fusion click:


July 2023: catalysed fusion explained

Latest updates:

29 November 2023 ENG8 Information Memorandum:

2023 11 29 ENG8 IM INSTITUTIONAL RAISE JAN 2024[1].pdf

16 Nov 2023: Fusion developer signs commercial yacht deal:

Fusion developer signs commercial yacht deal

16 Nov 2023: ICCF-24 Presentation EnergiCell Dr. Gyorgy Egely:


(43 mins video, sometime very technical, but really worth watching)

16 Nov 2023: ENG8 Tech description 14th Nov 2023:

EnergiCell Tech Description 14th Nov 2023

16 Nov 2023: Gyorgy Egely: Test results of Catalytic Fusion:

Gyorgy Egely: test results of Catalic Fusion (summery of the video)

13 November 2023: To help you understand why this energy source could/ should be the energy source of the nearby future, ENG8 has published a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page with answers that will be updated frequently.


Recent press releases:

For questions email us at mailto:paul-dopierala@eng8.org, mailto:pauld@practitech.com