Latest Introductions to UK and EU start-ups and young comapnies

Recent successful introductions: 

Now available for investment: 

Organic Heat Exchangers Ltd. (EIS):  Organic Heat Exchangers

EnviraBoard Ltd. (EIS Applied): Enviraboard Ltd.

350 PPM Green Tech Incubator Fund: 350 PPM Ltd.

GreenMine/ Pyrolysise Ltd. (EIS): GreenMine

ENG8, validated catalysed (cold) Nuclear Fusion (LENR): ENG8 International

Successfully completed:

Megawatt Mosaic Ltd.: BESS: Megawattmosaic Ltd.Open for institutional investments

Organic Heat Exchangers: EnergiVault, cold Energy storage: round 1 and 2

Pyrolysise Ltd., trading name GreenMine: round 1 and 2